Wine and windows and writing
So, here I am at the end of November 2005, sitting in Santiago, with a lovely glass of Los Vascos cabernet sauvignon. Some things don't predilection for the good beverages in life, but what a difference a year makes. Twelve months ago, I was in Haiti...a place that will always have a massive hold on me for various reasons...and trying to get my head around reports about a civil war and AIDS. Now, I am here in Chile, trying to get my head around a piece about the elections. I've been fighting with the article for a couple of days, but think it's pretty much done. Just need to take another look at it in the morning.
I don't think I gave feedback on the wine festival. It was pretty impressive. Dozens of stalls serving tasters of a wide range of wines. And for the equivalent of seven pounds, we got our own tasting glass and were able to try as many as we wanted. There were some fabulous ones, but of course I have no idea which ones they were, because I forgot my pen and paper and by the time I had been around half a dozen of the stands I had tried so many Carmeneres, Merlots, Cabernets that I was quite quite happy. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday evening at all.