So, here I am embarking on yet another new adventure and I'd love to share it with you. I am sitting in my apartment in Santiago. It's a Saturday afternoon, eight days after I arrived in Chile and there's a slight breeze blowing in through the open window that leads to my balcony. The week-day construction sounds of drills and saws are mercifully absent, but occasionally I can hear the bark of a dog, or a car pass by heading through this residential part of the Las Condes district.
If the sounds aren't that much to write home about, the views are. From my 12th floor apartment, I can see the Andes. The peaks look as though they have been sprinkled with icing sugar and at night the smog of the city, nestled in a bowl at the base of the mountains, provides the most glorious sunset palette, ranging from magenta to gold.
I was inspired to write this blog by my younger cousin, Lucy. And although, I can only ever aspire to her levels of technophilia, I thought I'd follow her lead. My godmother, who I hope will post on this blog too, told me she was confused by Lu's posting about the loss of her apple juice. And while, the same can't always be said about my mind, I currently know exactly where my apple juice is. Unfortunately, it's looking slightly more healthy than my wine supply, which is dwindling and may feature quite prominently in this blog, given how totally fabulous Chilean vino is.
Which reminds me....I am going to a wine festival tonight. Ooooh, how exciting...
Why is your wine store diminishing? (Stupid question, for those of us in the know!)Not going to the same black hole as Lucy's apple juice I hope!
Auntie Fredxx
Anonymous, at 11:34 pm
Pleased to be provider of inspiration for blog and perhaps even more pleased to have finally got the address for it (thanks Auntie Fred). From Peru to Dubai to Chile. It's quite an impressive list. Enjoy the continuing adventure and save some wine for me :-)
Lu, at 5:15 pm
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