This is a country where divorce was only legalised last year, and socially it's been far from progressive for women, but it seems as though Chile could be about to become one of still only a handful of countries in the world to have a female leader. Michelle Bachelet, socialist, single mum, defies the stereotypes in a region that has long denigrated women and still today often treats them as objects and second-class citizens. I went to a press conference with her today and she's a pretty charismatic, mind-blowingly chatty human being.
Surely Chile has to be more socially progressive than Peru, for women? They don't have to wear those bowler hat thingys, for a start! And now that nice Mr. Pinochet has taken a back seat, we can buy their grapes and wine again. Hurray!!
Talking of wine - why are your stocks running so low? You've not had any reported sightings of the elephant from Fulda have you? Problem is, they just travel so damn fast. Makes it difficult to keep track of them...
Anonymous, at 12:43 am
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