Itchy Feet

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Happy 10 months, Azara

Amazing really how quickly time goes on the one hand and how it sometimes feels like Azara hass been part of my life forever. Now that she's 10 months, she has the most wonderful personality and sense of adventure about her, although she does occasionally show a wilful streak (which I know she probably gets from me and which isn't manifesting itself as someone's dubious idea of 'pay-back' time, before someone else mentions it). We spent this morning at a car boot sale, which was very hot and rather unsuccessful, in that we managed to make a little bit of money, but didn't really manage to shift many things, which was the aim of the game as we're supposed to be moving in a little over two weeks. Hilary, who is here for the weekend, was absolutely fantastic. Azara was very well behaved, even though it was very warm. We've just got back from lunch at the local pub, where we met Jon as he's working today. Not much else to report, as I'm pretty pressed for time and tired. But I'll post some pictures of Azara at 10 months as soon as possible.


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