Perhaps days are really like Mary Poppins' handbag and expand to fit everything you throw into them until at some stage the bag just gets too small.
I haven't had time to update this blog for such a long time, mostly due to the fact that I am trying to hold down a job, play Mummy and keep some sense of sanity around the house. Well, Jon would probably have some rude comments to make about the latter statement, but at least the laundry gets done several times a week. I'm pretty shattered though, even though I have managed to downscale my job from commuting to Oxford every day to the slightly less logistically impossible, but nevertheless challenging: go in at least once a week and work from home the remainder of the time. For those not in the loop, I'm doing some work for Oxfam as a humanitarian emergencies press officer.
Other than that, and in the absence of a desire to become one of those people who writes about work and nothing else on their blog, here are the latest (or almost latest) pics of the wonderful Azara, including one of when I took her to the local activity farm and she tried to pull the baby rabbit's ears out...she's much safer with the fluffy toys than the real life fluffy things, although she absolutely adores animals. Anyway, she's being fab as ever, although a little clingy, which I don't really think is surprising, given all the changes that are afoot in her life, plus the addition of two nasty top teeth which must be causing her a great deal of stress.
Hope you're all well. Now that summer is here, perhaps we'll be able to enjoy our garden for the four weeks we have left before we get turfed out by the deeply unsympathetic letting agents and landlord. Oh, and fingers crossed for fab weather next weekend for the wonderful wedding of Ellen and Si.
Lots of love
Mark en el Peru dijo..
She's gorgeous! And you must be exhausted with all that's on your plate.
Don't forget to take care of yourself!
By Anonymous, at 10:14 pm
Hannah, She is so cute. I wish we lived closer. We would definitely have to get together with the kiddos. lol Danelle
By Robert Ross, at 3:54 am
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By Robert Ross, at 3:54 am
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