Okay, so I realised quite how cosmopolitan a life I was living last night, when I was eating Thai food in an American-run hotel in Chile, reading a book translated into Spanish by a French author and talking to an Australian maitre d', and that's before I went for the Cuban cocktail with the Argentinian friend. I know my postings will probably become less frequent as time passes, but these are just snapshots of my vida here.
Wish that my evening had been quite so cosmopolitan. I ended up eating chips and beetroot from the staff canteen in down-town Liverpool! Still I am reading a biography of Queen/King Christina of Denmark to widen the field. Now there was an eccentric dame! Puts our family to shame!!
Am hoping to meet loads of my family on this blogsite in the very near future! So come on guys - get busy...
Love from your doting Godmotherxxx
Anonymous, at 12:37 am
Hurray, you are now up and running!!!
Anonymous, at 12:37 am
I wish to lay claim to being the first place that the fiery red head rested her itchy feet, although her Dad and I frequently wonder just precisely where she did come from - being such a 'one off'. The penchant for wine does, thankfully, suggest a positive genetic link to her father.
Anonymous, at 4:21 pm
or grandfathers..........???
Anonymous, at 11:12 pm
Hi Hannah,
I'm Gonzalo, from Santiago Chile, I hope you remember me!
How are you? I don't know to write in english.
I send you lot of kiss. bye
Gonzalo Flores, at 5:48 pm
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