Itchy Feet

Monday, June 18, 2007

A tribute to Senor Hals

I know what it looks like, but my daughter doesn't read the FT and although Daddy can't function in the morning without the Today programme, she seems rather non-plussed by the high-brow broadcasting providing the soundtrack to her breakfast time. So,

I promise I'm not one of those awful pushy parents you (ok I) avoid like the plague, who drive their progeny around in their Chelsea tractors from one activity to another and dress them in designer clothes, but I had to post this picture because I thought it was so funny. Nanny Hils took it at the weekend when I was out running and she was looking after the Bean. And the best thing is: it wasn't even staged. I don't think she's as interested in the story of Salman Rushdie's knighthood as she is in the lovely rustling noise that the paper makes. Anyway, I thought Senor Hals would like this. Belated congratulations to him and Lorena after their wedding. We loved the photos and hope to see more and are glad you had a wonderful day.

Lots to report

I've been a bit remiss -- again, but here are the most recent pictures and news of Little Miss Azara Bean. The one in the dress was taken on her eight month birthday, the one in the high chair shows one of her party tricks which involves her, rather disconcertingly, bashing herself on the head. The one on the boat was Azara's first time out sailing.
As you can see she's growing and developing a rather strong, wilful personality. The more witty (?) of my relatives have already told me that it's pay-back time, but that aside, it's nice to see her so happy and full of beans. I suppose the biggest news to report of recent days is that she is now crawling. She had been going backwards for a week or so and I had spent quite a while on all fours showing her that there was another direction, when she mastered it by herself last Friday. All of a sudden, we have had to start moving things higher, making sure we don't leave things lying around that are not for her eyes or paws, or even mouth. Still, it's proving quite a challenge, especially when she tries to crawl away as we try and do up her nappy; this after several attempts ruined by her pulling the nappy off. She invariably manages to get to the bag of nappy sacks or the wet wipes before me and these are so much more interesting than all her toys, except perhaps for the ones she can make the most noise with, like the building blocks she bashes against each other, or anything she can use to attack the high-chair table. That said, the crawling hasn't been the only development recently. The last couple of weeks really seem to have been eventful, what with the clapping, the crawling and over the weekend, she has started pointing at things she likes, or, more frequently wants. The funniest is when I get a banana and she starts pointing then waving her arms around, calling out ' da'. She takes the whole banana and tries to put it all in her mouth, which can be quite alarming and messy. She's onto other finger foods as well and we introduced her to little sandwiches with cream cheese over the weekend and I've just tried her on raisins today. She loves apricots too, but bizarrely one of her other favourites -- aside from the banana, which she's loved from when she was a foetus and she'd kick me when I ate one -- is cucumber which seems to act as a brilliant teething ring for those nasty teeth.
We discovered this when we took her out sailing for the first time. We had managed to borrow a baby life-jacket from some friends and Jon had managed to borrow a dinghy from the yacht club. It wasn't too windy, but Azara screamed almost incessantly for quite a while as we went out on the water. I think it may have been the lifejacket, which left her trussed up a little bit like a Michelin man and was probably desperately uncomfortable and itchy. We gave up and went for lunch, where I gave her a ring of cucumber so she didn't make too much noise and rub people at the yacht club up the wrong way. She loved it and hung onto it for dear life until we lost it after we went back out onto the water after lunch. Apparently exhausted by all the morning's upsetting activities, she fell asleep for quite a while, but was just as grumpy when she woke back up and we were still in the boat.
Oh well, we'll have to try again sometime, but perhaps not for a while. I enjoyed the chance to go out sailing with Jon on Saturday night though, even if it was a bit blustery, as Nanny Hils came to stay for the weekend. It was fantastic to have her to stay and she was a brilliant help. We had some nice walks and I think she was particularly pleased to be here when Azara was doing so much for the first time. Well, I think I had better sign off now. Azara has been having a few bad nights when she wakes and screams and will only calm down when we go and comfort her. Last night was particularly exhausting and I'm hoping tonight isn't going to be the same.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

If you're happy and you know it...

...clap your hands. And Azara did just this for the first time on Monday. I had been practising quite a lot with her over the past few weeks and she finally did it when she was sitting on our bed. Not on demand unfortunately, but it still really made me smile. I don't think it'll be long now before she crawls. Now, before anyone says I'm wishing my life away, I'm not. It's wonderful to see all the changes she is going through, all the fantastic new developments and to help ease her frustration, it will be great for her to crawl. She is now pulling herself up on furniture, which is quite entertaining if a little terrifying. And she's growing like a little weed.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Birthday wishes

Princess Azara is asleep upstairs and Daddy is at Lifeboats, so Mummy is home alone and enjoying chocolate and wine and the chance to catch up on some emails and life admin that have been left to fester for a while. I cannot believe that my little Bean will be eight months' old tomorrow. She is certainly growing and she's got her second tooth through and has taken -- in the last few days to trying to pull herself up on everything. It's a lot of fun and she has the most fantastic personality.
Other baby talk....massive congrats to Maz and Sam on the birth of baby Elizabeth. We can't wait to meet her in July when we're up for Ellen's big night.
As far as the title of this blog goes, I thought I should use it for a bit of shameless slef-publicity. Unfortunately, I am going to be thirty in three weeks' time, which is not really filling me with the largest amount of glee. I've decided that I would like a Digital SLR camera as my present and therefore I would like anyone who fancies buying me a present to donate to that worthy cause. I'm planning on doing a bit more travelling in the next few months and would also like to take some really fab photos of the little monkey, so I'd really appreciate any donations instead of other presents.

Many thanks in advance,

