Itchy Feet

Monday, October 29, 2007

The latest pictures

So, it’s been a while, for which I apologise. But, good things come to those who wait…, therefore, are some of the most recent pictures of Azara. I’m taking the opportunity of her being back at nursery to update this blog.
The birthday was great fun and she was thoroughly spoiled at her party by her godparents who visited along with Auntie Jane and Uncle Bob (I’ll miss out the great, because I don’t want to make them feel old). Since then we have been having fun at Nanna and Papa’s house, where we are staying at the moment.
We had a wonderful weekend a couple of weeks ago when we went to Crosby and went to the christening of Elizabeth, Maz and Sam’s little girl. Azara spent most of the service running up and down the aisle, in a repeat – according to Great Aunt Fairy – of what Kate and I did almost thirty years ago when Alex and Ellen were christened.
On Saturday, we went to a brilliant farm called Monk Park, where there were dozens of animals – including llamas and chinchillas, which made me miss Peru. It was great fun, although I think I probably enjoyed it more than she did.
Little else to report, except I’ve been doing quite a lot of running of late and won my first prize – I cam second – in a race last week, which made me really happy.
That's it for now.....

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Birthday girl

How much can change in a year? It's incredible to think that this time 12 months ago, I was about to experience the most life-altering event and now I have the most wonderful little human being as part of my existence. Azara is one tomorrow and I'm staggered. I'm also incredibly excited and really looking forward to it -- as I told Fairy G Junior: it's like I have two birthdays this year! We are up in Yorkshire, staying with Nanna and Papa and we'll be celebrating her birthday tomorrow and Saturday, when we'll have a little party for her. She's really come on in the past few weeks and is now happily into everything and charging everywhere as she walks. She gives the most amazine hugs and kisses and we're quite convinced that she can say 'dog' and 'duck' and 'bye'. It's going to be wonderful to see her godparents this weekend and I'll update this just as soon as I have pictures.