We're heading off on a rather epic journey to Cornwall via the south coast tomorrow, so I thought I'd write to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a wonderful 2007, in case I don't get the opportunity to update my blog for a while. We are going to spend Christmas with Steve and Sarah in their (brand new to them, having moved in last week) cottage and Nanny Hils is also coming down to share in the festive fun. Because we won't see my Mum and Dad over Christmas, they invited us round for a wonderful day yesterday, where Mum cooked a beautiful Christmas dinner and we swapped Chrissie pressies. What a fab time! As you can see by the pics, Little Miss Bean did rather well on the present stakes, receiving a rocking horse from Nanna and Papa. While it may be a little while until she can sit on it independently, we enjoyed showing her how it was done, although she wasn't quite sure what to make of the horsy noises her new toy made when we pressed its ear. Hero, Mum and Dad's dog (for the uninitiated) welcomed the horse into the family as only Hero knows how, by sniffing his bottom. Oh well.....on a rather more tasteful note, we are really looking forward to the stay in Cornwall, although the drive down is scaring me a little. We're going down via Jon's old stomping ground as he has a job interview on Wednesday for a sailing position in Lymington. Then, after just over a week in Cornwall, Azara and I are flying from Exeter to Glasgow while Daddy has the rather unenviable task of driving up. I'm really looking forward to the week in Scotland as it has been several years since I've been up there and the week in the lodge is usually very relaxing...although that may not be quite the case this year with a little one....ok, not quite that little any more: at 10 weeks and four days, Azara weighs 11lb and 3oz or 5.08kg, if you do it that way.
Well, I'm afraid my bed calls....it's getting late and I'm exhausted from all the packing. Wishing you all the most fantastic time over the next few weeks whatever you are doing, whoever you are with and wherever you are.
Feliz navidad xxx