Itchy Feet

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Bean there, done that

Here is the Bean at 26 weeks...taken on Monday. It's not great quality, but it's of the face and you can make out the eyes, nose and mouth, which are part of the oval-shaped thing in the top half of the pic. Jon says Bean has his not sure!
Well, I am now in sunny Bermuda, where I am currently being serenaded by a mix of rather dodgy music for the tourists to the Dockyard and the sound of someone drilling holes in the bathroom wall.
As you may have gathered, the Bean and I arrived here safely and I have just checked the comments to my previous posting and found that you've all come out of the woodwork. Thank you so much. It has made my day!! Welcome to new posters Mia and Lorena. By the way, Fairy G, you can breathe a sigh of relief: they are indeed my earrings in the picture of the leaving party. For those not in the know, Auntie Fred (aka. new hero in Brazil after scoring last week's late match goal) has a hatred of holes in ears and I have a tendency not to wear earrings.
Anyhow, as I was saying...we arrived here safely and on time after a decent plane trip. Although Big Cuz will sympathise when I say I may as well have lived in the toilet for the journey. Luckily, I was in the bulkhead, so I had lots of space and was close to afore-mentioned facility. But despite the extra space, by the time I got to Bermuda, my ankles looked like they belonged to someone who was twenty stone heavier...not nice, and the first time I have had this horrendous pregnancy-related oedema. Luckily, I am back to normal today!
I managed to persuade a nice person at Continental Airlines to get someone in Newark airport to help me with my bags, but this was only after I had to suffer the mortification of being wheeled through the airport in a wheelchair. Apparently, the airline won't arrange to help you with your bags if you don't have wheelchair. Well, then I realised this was actually quite a good ploy and I might try it again sometime as not you get to beat everyone through immigration and customs, get whisked to your gate and don't get treated as much like a terrorist as you might if you walked through without a wheelchair.
Jon was at the airport to meet me and Bean and the good news is, he has found somewhere for us to live this week. We are actually staying in a really sweet little cottage, which is part of a trust run by nuns. We will probably be staying there for a week as they are due to get someone in to sand the floors at the place Jon is renovating. The house looks great and it really is a transformation from the last time I saw it and apart from the plumbing and the sanding and a couple of other minor things, it is almost ready to move into.... Jon has been working incredibly hard and has lost weight, although I don't know if that is because of the stress, work or not eating enough. But, otherwise, it is lovely to see him and I am really happy we are all together. It makes me feel like it will be much better now.
The cottage where we are staying is in very large grounds, and when I was lying in bed last night -- trying in vain to get comfy yet again -- I could hear loads of little insects, a real night chorus, that made me feel like I was back in the jungle. Unfortunately, there are a few other jungle type creatures around as well and I had a bit of a fight with a cockroach, trying to persude it to go down the toilet. Its mate was in the bath when I woke up this morning and then the pesky persistent little thing decided to come back in the door after I had thrown it outside. I saw off another one sniffing around my suitcase this morning too. It's a good thing almost three years in Peru have made me accustomed to 'cucarachas' as they call them there. Well, I suppose there are worse things and as long as they don't come and visit me in bed, I will be happy.
Well, this has been a fairly long post, so I will sign off now.
Love to you all and hopefully I'll post again soon.


  • Gosh, is there time for real life what with keeping up with the blogspot, related comments and posting comments?
    Well, real life is pretty complicated at present, so it's nice to escape...
    Great to hear that all 3 of you are together and the accom is progressing - now typing with fingers crossed that there'll be good news on the visas next week.
    Love and hugs, Mum xxx

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:43 am  

  • Just to say hi to Bean and hope that your Mom is taking care of you. Glad to see Dad is handy - welcome to the family.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:23 am  


    Would have loved to see you being wheeled around the airport in a wheel chair!! hehehee

    Can't believe you are staying in a place run by nuns - too funny. But a great chance for you to research the part of Maria for the loopies!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:06 pm  

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