To sleep, perchance to dream...
Sleeping through the night is most definitely a thing of the past: something I certainly didn't appreciate until it was too late. And, I've been warned it will only get worse. An American friend of mine reckons that God makes you get up several times during the night to go to the toilet while your pregnant to prepare you for the middle of the night tears, tantrums and feeding sessions of babyhood. While I'm not sure about that, recently, I've not only had to fend with several nocturnal toilet trips, but with the fact that I simply cannot seem to get comfy. A growing stomach and the fact that I cannot sleep on my front, nor -- I am advised -- on my back, mean that I have to sleep on my side, like a foetus -- although I can assure you Bean is getting more sleep than me.
What's more, they (I have no real idea who they is, but they deserve as much stick as they get) suggest you should sleep on your left side, which is pretty damn painful with sciatica.
Well, I shouldn't grumble. Going to bed is, rather sadly, my favourite part of the day at the moment: partly because I've been looking forward to seeing Jon so much that ever sleep means one less sleep and partly because this week I have been extraordinarily tired. They (them again) say your subconscious concerns come to the fore when you are asleep and if that is the case, then I must be subconsciously fearing things like baby poo...I won't go into detail about the dream, suffice to say it was messy.
After I woke from that unpleasant experience (oh, I know the reality will be so much more pleasant...honest!), I lay there for a long time last night, listening to the sound of the ocean -- which is one of the real blessings about living here -- and thinking about baby names. For the record, we have a girl and a boy version, which are secret, and wondering if we had made the right choices...which now I am awake, I think we have.
I hope that Jon has managed to acquire some furniture for the place we will be staying in in Bermuda, because otherwise we might be in trouble. Another of the things that was keeping me awake last night was thinking how I could use the rugs and throws that I am taking with me to make into a bed, if we Jon didn't have any luck at the yard sale he was going to today. The Foundation is supposed to be furnishing the house, but I am sure it won't surprise anyone that that hasn't been done yet. Oh well, I'm sure it will be all fine and in the dim light of Lima morning, I actually managed to mentally design us quite a comfortable bed/mattress thing....which I am sure will so wonders for maintaining my current sleeping pattern.
I had a lovely chat with Mum on the phone today: the longest chat we have had in a long time, and then I went to the gym and managed to kill an hour by strolling on the cross-trainer and watching TV, without overdoing it (I promise). I've been too tired to run recently and think this may now be consigned to the post-baby pile of activities, although I know that I am likely to be even more tired, but hopefully not as heavy and not needing the toilet every five seconds when I bounce up and down.
Hal and I then met up for some lunch and had a great time (although he may tell you otherwise!) eating and chatting at our local, Arugula. It's great to have friends like Hal and Lorna and they've both been good mates to me and Jon. Now Lorna is back in the UK for a couple of months, Hal and I have been hanging out and doing what we do best -- generally talking nonsense!
On the way back from lunch, I stopped off at the Inca Market and bought some finger puppets for the Bean: 10 little knitted animals and birds, which I think we will have great fun playing with and were a bargain at less than 20 pence each.
It's Father's Day tomorrow and even though I disagree with quite how commercialised it is here in Peru -- the American influence, I assume -- it's exciting to think that this time next year Jon will be a Daddy...ok, I know it's a lot sooner, but that will be his first Father's Day. In the meantime, Happy Father's Day to my Dad....and thanks for being so fab.
Lots of love to you all.
All the nonsense was being spoken by you -- I was making perfect sense as always.
Anonymous, at 12:40 am
If you think sleeping is difficult, try getting out of the bath in a couple of months time, Han! Hope your journey to Bermuda - and the next part of your life - is a good one...
Love Mum xxx
Anonymous, at 1:29 pm
So glad that you have finally realised about the mythical 'they' ! Honestly, they run (or ruin?!) your life if you let them - but nobody knows exactly who or where they are. Another of life's little mysteries...
Also why do 'they' recommend sleeping on your left side? What have they invented, since I was last pregnant?
On which subject, I feel that I have to reveal to Han that her Mum and I had an in-depth conversation last weekend about whether we should both have another baby (?!), but happily, decided against it! You must understand that this conversation was late at night, at a party after copious amounts of wine! (Remember wine, Hannah? You used to drink it at parties too. And at dinner. And in the pub. And during boring afternoons. And, probably the night that Bean decided to become Bean!)
Intrigued at the casual mention of names for baby. Why so casual? Have you picked my name? So useful for either girl or boy.....
Also - another idea for your bed made of Peruvian rugs and throws - what about hammocks? So adaptable for ever-changing shapes and sizes!
Auntie Fred xxxxxxxx
Anonymous, at 3:13 pm
Hi Hannah! Long overdue introduction: Mia, Kevin's girlfriend, 29, London, 18
weeks tomorrow!
Yes, those disturbing pregnancy dreams, I relate... have
given birth to our cat Salem several times and have even breastfed him (have a
feeling I shouldn't be telling anyone other than K about this), K thinks this
stems from my anxiety about him not being my baby for much longer...I guess it's
good to work out these issues in advance!
It's great to hear you're enjoying this experience, in spite of the sleep
logistics (have now mastered the left-side, leg-over pillow position...oh,
something to do with better blood flow to the vitals by the way), the outie and
the running embargo... lots of luck with the rest of your pregnancy, it's nice
to know what JB is up to, 8 weeks ahead of baby Coombs here....
Anonymous, at 5:10 pm
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