An unfinished story
I scarcely want to believe it, but Bermuda has accepted Jon's ultimatum of July 1, he hasn't had to resign and I will be going over there on the 20th. Okay, okay, before I start celebrating too much, I know -- in the wise words of Ronan Keating -- 'Life is a rollercoaster' and things may well change in the coming twenty-four hours, let alone in the next few days, but I feel a massive sense of relief.
Aside from this news, today has been good for other reasons. I kicked it off with a great brekkie at the Marriott with Hal and Lorna and then went shopping for Bean and bought three great little overcoat/cardigans, embroidered with lovely Peruvian designs, plus a couple of little Peruvian hats and an Inka Kola t-shirt, with the logo of Peru's best-known drink. The tops are nice and warm and a couple of sizes, although they probably won't fit for a while. I also found a shop that sold some great t-shirts, all less than a pound and good for my expanding tummy. Then I found a couple of CDs from a range called first steps that introduce babies to a range of music, so this afternoon Bean and I have been listening to John Lennon, played on what sounds like triangles and another CD of classical music.
On my way back, I was truly exhausted, so stopped off at Starbucks, to have a rest. While I was there, there was an earth tremor, which while very short, felt pretty strong and I later found out it was a 4.2, but centred about thirty miles away.
Last night, I was feeling really down and went out to see the film, 'An Unfinished Life', with Robert Redford, Morgan Freeman and Jennifer Lopez of all people. Some say she was carried by two superior actors and I think that is probably the case, but the film was pretty good and the scenery was spectacular and in general it appealed to the Western admirer in me.
Well, Mark's girlfriend, Jana, and I are about to go and get some food. So, good night for now and sweet dreams. If anybody has any last minute Peruvian shopping requests, please let me know in the next couple of days.
Lots of love
Howdy Sis,
Really chuffed for you and Jon about Bermuda. Look after yourself and Bean
Speak soon....
Loads of love
Uncle Al xx
Anonymous, at 12:40 pm
Dear Little Red-headed One, so thrilled that things seem to be sorting themselves out for you all. Can I uncross my eyes now please? Only, my outlook on life is bizarre at the best of times, but with everything - including afore-mentioned eyes -crossed, it's becoming increasingly disturbing.........!
Why the woolly cardies, hats and overcoats? Isn't Bermuda supposed to be hot? Or is my knowledge of Geogers even more woeful than I thought it was?!
Take care
Love from
The Very Fairy Godmother x
Anonymous, at 3:26 pm
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