Bye bye, belly button, bye bye
I've made a few decisions in the past couple of days, which I suppose is pretty monumental given how indecisive I have been of late. To borrow a cliche used way too often by BBC reporters, 'only time will tell' if I have made the right decisions, but there is some relief at feeling slightly more certain about things.
Firstly, I told the BBC I am pregnant. I also told them how uncertain things were with Bermuda and explained how I would really like to work with the BBC in the future, but understand there is a job freeze on at the moment, which makes it impossible for freelancers to be employed by the Beeb. I said I would probably stay in Peru if we didn't get the nod from Bermuda, but I would certainly be interested in positions coming up at home or abroad. I had a very positive response back from them, so at least we will stay in touch.
Secondly, I decided to go back to Bermuda, so at least I don't feel so out of the loop and I can be with Jon. I will be going there next Saturday (10th) and arriving on Sunday. At the moment, I don't think there is anywhere for us to stay, but hopefully Jon will sort that out and we won't have to slum it in the accommodation he is renovating. Hopefully then we should know before my 21-day tourist visa runs out if we will be staying there permanently or not.
Perhaps I should be staying in Peru a little longer, but I am getting fidgety to be settled and frustrated by the lack of work and the lack of interest and this will surely diminish even more after the elections on Saturday.
At least there is some good news as far as they are concerned: the BBC has decided to split the work between me and Dan, my colleague who is the South American correspondent based in Buenos Aires. He's arriving tonight, which means I should have bits and pieces to do over the next few days and be able to earn a bit of pocket money. I've also got in contact with The Times and they are interested in a piece after the results.
Hopefully this means I should be able to go out on a bit of a high note.....
Bye bye for now
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