Itchy Feet

Monday, May 29, 2006

What's in a name?

I've always been fascinated by the fact that Americans and Brits profess to speak the same language, but actually don't, so it's been really entertaining to discover how many words to do with babies differ between the two languages. Here are a few of my favourite: some obvious and others less so...I thought it was worth posting this as I got caught out by Fairy Godmother referring to a cot as a crib...first transatlantic faux pas.
So, do you put your baby in a diaper or a nappy? Do you use a pushchair or a stroller and whichever you use, do you know when and where it's safe to use it on the pavement, or where you should just stick to the side-walk?
Would you use a dummy if your child cries or opt for something that sounds more like the title of an awful film with some Vin Diesel or Arnie-type muscle man who can't act: 'The Pacifier'?
But, perhaps my favourite of all, which met with fits of laughter in Bermuda, where they can't seem to decide which version of the English language they you put your baby in a babygrow and allow the Americans to think its being fed fertiliser, or opt for the infinitely more dowdy onesy....
I ask you...what is the world coming to? Any more examples of transatlantic miscomprehensions gratefully appreciated.
Missing you already


  • In response to your bit about differences between Brits and Our Colonial Cousins - we all know the expression that states that 'England and America are two countries divided by the same language'. Right?
    Well here's an even better one that is also true.
    'In England,two hundred miles is a long way. In America, two hundred years is a long time.'
    As told to Dave and I many years ago by a much loved american friend.
    Love xx

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:29 am  

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