Itchy Feet

Monday, May 22, 2006

Wriggly bean

Hello there
A quick post to update you on the doctor's visit this morning. As of 22 weeks pregnant, I have gained about five pounds, which the doctor says is fine, given the morning sickness and more recent food poisoning. I feel like I have gained more, but as it's all on my tummy and my boobs that's probably why. Jelly Bean is weighing in at a healthy 552 grams, which I think is about 1.2 pounds and apparently measures 20-25 centimetres from head to bum (there's some quite unmedical terms for you). I think the doctor was pretty surprised by how much JB was moving, but I don't think there's any surprise there given his/her ancestry and Uncle Al says he expects JB to be hyperactive like me! Well, I'm certainly looking pregnant now, although the lady who cleans here at Mark's flat, where I am staying was amazed at how compact I was for five months. Now that the gym visits are slowing down and the appetite is increasing at a massive rate of knots, I don't expect to stay small for long.
We had another ultrasound to check for heart and growth and everything was absolutely fine. It was lovely seeing Bean bouncing around inside and I am amazed -- even given the grainy ultrasound -- at how well-formed and like a mini human being he/she already is. Perhaps it sounds naive to say that. If so, apols...
Well, onto more mundane things...I have to go and finish off a piece about what Peru's two presidential candidates will mean for the country's economy.
I'll post again soon.
Lots of love


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