Christmas ramblings

Where to start....? So much has happened since I last wrote anything of note. But, I will try and summarise as best as I can. I had a fair bit of work in the run up to Christmas, including a trip up to the mountains outside of the capital to do some research for a piece I am writing on ski homes in Chile (quite hard to write it as it's not ski season at the moment, but of course it is in Europe and North America and the person who commissioned the piece wanted a balanced look at what's on offer across the world). The mountains are only about 30 km from Santiago and even though they are on the doorstep of the city, it's a very different world. Old wooden chalet type houses, men with their traditional broad-brimmed hats leading horses weighed down with wood. On the day before Christmas Eve, Jon and I went with a friend from the embassy to a party held by some of her friends. It was strange dancing to Christmas music and celebrating the festive season outside in the warm (I don't think I'll ever get used to it), but the party was great fun and quite a lot was drunk and we ended up in the swimming pool. I was still quite sober, because I had a big day on the 24th -- although my definition of 'big' might not match any or yours'. I joined about eighty of the other members of the running club and we ran to the virgin on the San Cristobal hill overlooking Santiago. It was pretty tough going as the temperatures were already soaring by mid-morning. After we finished the hour and a half run, we congregated at the bottom and had beer and Christmas cake and took photos....really good fun. Christmas Day was quiet. Jon and I cooked turkey and although we couldn't find all the trimmings, it was a nice meal and a real pleasure to have it outside. I've attached a photo and one of the amazing sunset we had on Christmas Eve. I'll continue with my Christmas-New Year adventures soon, but am beginning to feel guilty about not having finished some work, so I'll love you and leave you for now....
Had anymore adventures yet? It's a bit like waiting for the next Harry Potter book to be published...!
Good photo of you sat on your balcony with an impressively English looking Christmas dinner! Can you come and cook mine next year please? Or was it the handiwork of The Trapper?
As soon as The Queen of Spangle gets her act together, we can start another wedding loop - which seem to be compulsary now! Think we should include Cat this time?
So come on girls - thinking caps on....
Love, as ever. xxxxxxxxxx
Anonymous, at 11:48 pm
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