I'm coming up for air after the last few days which have been a whirlwind of feeds, hospital visits, nappy changes and sleep snatched at opportune moments. Bean continues to amaze us and I never realised it was possible to feel love like this. Yes, I'm sure she'll try us and test us to our wits' end, but she is perfect in every way and even the labour and the sleepless nights pale into insignificance when we stare into her sweet face. There are inevitably ups and downs and one of the most difficult things has been the feeding. We had a very tough first few days and now she seems to be making up for it by feeding every couple of hours. It's hard work and absolutely exhausting, but it is so good for her and apparently for me too that I am keeping at it. She has changed so much since birth, her face has filled out and she is quite alert when she is awake. Another of the things that has made feeding a little bit tough is the harness she has too wear. When she was a couple of days old, the midwife discovered that she has a dislocatable hip and so we have been back and forth to Scarborough a couple of times for a scan and for a harness to be fitted, which will hopefully mean that the ligaments and muscles strengthen so that her hip stays in place. This will mean a check up at around six weeks, but most of the time it corrects itself in this time.
Otherwise, our daughter is a very content little baby. She loves bath time and she is very much her Daddy's little girl already. Yesterday we took her to the pub, because it wad the first anniversary of the pub being a Thai restaurant and the landlord, Stewart's, birthday, and she slept the whole time we were there. Everyone was remarking on how good she was. Long may that continue. I'll leave it for now as I would like to have a little nap before she wakes again.
In the meantime, thanks to everyone for all the love and wishes. I'll try and post again soon and I promise we are well on the way to naming our baby....so, we'll let you know as soon as we have decided. And, yes, we know you're all anxious to know, but just as she is perfect in our eyes, we want her name to be perfect.
Lots of love
Had my first proper conversation with The Bean yesterday. Wasn't totally sure of the entire gist of it, because she kept on lapsing into near perfect kitten noises! Having said that, I was pretty impressed with her natural conversational talents!!
Anonymous, at 2:36 am
P.S. Was also impressed to hear that she is already carrying on her mother's talent for falling asleep in pubs!
Anonymous, at 2:39 am
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