Head over heels -- and still no news
We went to the mid-wife and she decided to send me for a scan because she wasn't sure which way up Bean was. Just the think you want to hear when you're three days' overdue. She said she thought it might be Breech, which would mean getting me in for a C-section as quickly as possible. The good news is Bean just has a rather large bum and what she thought might be the bottom is actually the shoulders, which means the head is quite well engaged. That would explain why I am feeling like my insides are a pestle and mortar and my pelvis is being ground away with every movement of the Bean's head. Dad thinks Bean is going to be a pot-holer at this rate, but am not so sure....It was a relief though not having to be scheduled in for a last-minute section, even if it means Jon was rather shocked by the size of Bean's bottom, which seems to be taking up the majority of my stomach. It was nice to get a late scan, although it wasn't very easy to see much as there's not a lot of room in there. We've just got back from a lovely Thai meal at the only pub in the village and I am hoping the spicy food will prove irresistible and spur Bean to make an exit, but am not sure. Hilary, Jon's Mum, is up in Yorkshire for a few days. She was getting lonely in London and obviously wanted to see the Bean, but no can do on that front. Thanks to Auntie Lorena for the best wishes....we had considered some Peruvian and Latino names...why didn't you mention Ollanta.. or Humala: surely the great almost man hasn't been forgotten already? Well, as ever, will keep you posted. To everyone who is off on their hols already or shortly, 'Bon voyage'...I really am getting itchy feet now, and know how everyone must have felt whenever I used to jet off here and there. I haven't been on a plane for at least eight weeks....getting withdrawal symptoms, and likely to be a while until I do again. You'll be glad to know I have been playing Bean music from the Buena Vista Social Club and the Jungle Book in French, to help with the cosmopolitan upbringing even if there are no planes involved just yet. Jon seems to think strumming on the guitar is going to inspire Bean to make a quick exit. Not sure about the baby, but it might have that effect on me soon. Love to you all xxx
You know that we've always said Cowdy males have big bottoms... With parents like you two, don't worry Bean will find his way out of a tight corner sooner or later!
Anonymous, at 6:26 pm
I feel a bit of a fraud staying up here in Malton - but I believe that being a Nanny in waiting in London would have driven me insain - so thank you Julie and Roger for "taking me in " and Bean please come soon -it will be so embarrassing to have to go back to London with no sign of a grandchild
Anonymous, at 6:40 pm
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