Itchy Feet

Monday, September 11, 2006

38 weeks

Oooh, I have been very re-miss. Apologies for the fact that imminent motherhood, coupled with living out in wilds in Yorkshire, are not really conducive to blogging. So, here I am at 38 weeks pregnant and taking advantage of the fact that this may well be my last entry for a while. For all those who are still reading this, thank you...I am beginning to feel very large and could probably give John Wayne a good waddle for his money at the moment.
Nevertheless, Jon and I are enjoying being together, even if it is a little frustrating that we can't find work for him at the moment. It all feels a far cry from life in Peru and Bermuda and we are both missing our friends very much. In August, we spent a while down in Cornwall for the wedding of Jon's sister Sarah and Steve. It was a lovely change of scenery and I had never been down to that part of the country before. It was also nice to finally meet Steve and Sarah after hearing so much about them. The wedding was lovely and it gave Jon the chance to catch up with some old friends and some beer-drinking.
Not much else to report, aside from the fact that we won the quiz at our local last week....if this is the highlight of my week, hum, I should sign off now.
Love to you all


  • Do you have a little one yet? I am so excited for you. Write and send pics when you can. ~ Danelle and family

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:46 pm  

  • Do you have a little one yet? I am so excited for you. Write and send pics when you can. ~ Danelle and family

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:46 pm  

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