Itchy Feet

Friday, July 07, 2006

That Friday feeling

Jon will be back tomorrow. Amazing how much I'm missing him after just two days. Perhaps it's because I know his arrival back on the island should mean an end to months of indecision. But, I'm not wanting to get my hopes up too much.
I went into Hamilton today on the ferry -- the ride across the azure waters to the capital is one of the positive things about the island -- and picked up some more immigration forms. Although I am feeling a bit ambivalent about filling them in after a conversation I had yesterday with the woman who Malcolm said was helping the Foundation with our immigration applications.
You may remember me saying that Jon's work permit had been approved and my visa has been okayed 'in principle'. Well, I don't know if Malcolm is incompetent or telling porkies, ot the lady at immigration got the wrong end of the stick and totally misunderstood what I said (somehow I doubt this), but she told me nothing of the kind had occurred, that there was no record of any application or acceptance for my name and I would have to fill out my form and attach all the supplementary info and apply that way. She wouldn't give me the info about Jon's application because I wasn't his employer. Anyway....I am not surprised.
The good news is, Jon called last night and said he is really enjoying the visit to the States, he loves the place and the people like him and -- what is more -- they are competent in the flesh too as well as on email.....
Oh joy!


  • Can hardly contain myself to wait for the next posting, which must be the denouement...
    Hannah , have you ever thought of writing a cliff hanger?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:46 pm  

  • I agree, there is certainly an excitement about reading the blog each morning, sorry that you are having to live all this uncertanty, but thank you for sharing it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:43 am  

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