The biggest piece of news I have to report is that Azara's first tooth is coming through. This, couple with a stinking cold, has meant a pretty tough week, not helped by the fact I caught her lurgy too and Jon has been working like a demon. It's scary to think that our little baby is nearly seven months old, but as you will see from the pictures here, she is growing like a weed and is a lot of fun. Unfortunately, she is just waking up from a nap and as I am home alone, I'll have to leave this entry as short and sweet. Wishing you all lots of love. Hopefully I'll update this again soon. At least we now have internet at home, so I should be able to get the chance to write soon. In the meantime, before she starts squawking, she's enjoying trying to stand up, eating lots of exciting things and really loves yoghurt and banana, and likes waving at people and trying to beckon them to her with a rather royal looking wave. We've also found a nursery for her to go to. Emotionally, I'm finding this concept quite difficult, but it's run by a Peruvian lady, so perhaps it's meant to be. Must dash. Love to you all. H xxx
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