She's smiling
I forgot to mention in the previous post that Azara is seven weeks' old today and as of Monday and the visit by the health visitor, she was weighing 9lb 11 oz, which means she has put on more than two pounds since she was born. She has also grown a couple of centimetres in length, so all is good. I also forgot to mention that we had a rather momentous development when we were in Bedford and Azara started to smile. Since then, she has also taken to trying to laugh which is very sweet. She often smiles when she makes eye contact with us, although this can also happen at totally random times. So, it's still a little hit and miss at the moment, but it is wonderful. Sorry the pictures a little blurry: it's more difficult than it seems to catch a baby smile!
I can vouch for the fact that this is a real smile -I am thrilled that I was there to see it too. It was wonderful to be in Bedford and to spend some quality time with Hannah and Azara - and it was great that Uncle Al could also come and join us for a meal - a real family gathering.
By Anonymous, at 7:53 am
Doesn't a smile normally come at the end of a big poo? It still does for me. Lots of love (from sunny Guayaquil, Ecuador), Hal x
By Anonymous, at 3:31 pm
Lovely to see the pictures and it was nice to have a catch up the other night. Looking forward to seeing you if you make it over this way before Christmas. If not a weekend to see you will have to be arranged!!!
By Anonymous, at 1:38 pm
Am so looking forward to seeing Azara again. Can't believe how quickly she is growing. Keep posting the photos please.
Love Great Aunt Fairy
By Anonymous, at 12:36 am
Have just had the most wonderful four days - Hannah, Jon and Azara came to stay with us. She spent the entire time smiling and doing her very best to communicate with the world and his wife! When she wasn't doing this she was feeding and sleeping!
For those who haven't yet met Azara - she is totally beautiful - and so good.
Have to tell all the visitors to this blog, that Han and Jon are naturals at this parenting business. (This from a woman who has had more than her fair share of it in the past, thus knows what she is talking about!) They are doing brilliantly....
We also had the chance to celebrate Jon's birthday in style. Hope that he enjoyed it and coped with the gathering of the clans!
Love F.godmother1
By Anonymous, at 10:47 pm
I also had a fantastic time seeing Han, Jon & Azara in Liverpool. It was great to see you all again. Loved the FG duties and babysitting. Won't see you again before Christmas so look forward to coming over in the New Year.
By Anonymous, at 1:36 pm
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